This MIDI Woodwind Phrases Pack includes the following contents:
1. **basic Figure**: 416 basic patterns;
2. **basic rhythm**: 174 basic rhythm phrases;
3. **Common woodwind phrases**: 488 phrases.
A total of 1080 MIDI phrases
### Note:
The scale or interval relationship of the phrases can generally be identified from the naming of the phrases. For example, a phrase named "basic-min-1" indicates that the phrase may be in a minor scale or a minor triad. Similarly, the mode might be abbreviated, such as "basic-dor (Dorian)-2."
In the "arp" category, some phrases are layered and include high, middle, and low woodwinds.
Additionally, in some phrase views, you might see a surprised musician expression. This indicates that the phrase's interval range is too large to be depicted in this smaller view. In such cases, only the trend of the entire phrase is drawn, and the staff lines lose their reference significance. Do not attempt to interpret the pitch; instead, use your eyes and ears to judge the phrase.
Important: To import phrase packs, you need to purchase a commercial license for Midiphrase. Otherwise, you will not be able to import phrase packs.