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Fast sampling wavetable  Free trial

This tool is mainly used for efficient wavetable creation. If you need to generate a large number of commercial wavetables, you should be very comfortable using it. The snapshot tool allows you to compare wavetables visually and aurally in real time (you can use keyboard 1-9 or mouse to switch in real time). I think this function will play a very important role in making an excellent wavetable!
If MacOS users encounter any issues, please check the solutions below!


Minimalist Mode  UserManual.pdf

Make the most professional wavetables and export them losslessly! It can be used as part of the pre-workflow of wavetable synthesizers (such as serum)! It is very important to quickly compare the differences between wavetables visually and aurally! Export all wavetable snapshots with one click, or you can directly drag and drop to export to your system or import directly into a wavetable synthesizer! Minimalistic, efficient and professional!


MacOS may block the application because the app only has an Ad-hoc signature.

You can try the following solutions:
1. Manually allow the app to run
    a. Open System Settings → Privacy and Security
    b. In the Security section, find the message stating that your app was blocked
    Then, try opening the app. If it still doesn’t work, proceed to the next step.

2. Remove the quarantine attribute
    a. Open Terminal
    b. Enter the following command:xattr -d com.apple.quarantine (drag the app here to get the full path)
    c. Press Enter to remove macOS's quarantine attribute
    Then, try opening the app. If it still doesn’t work, proceed to the next step.

3. Remove all extended attributes
    a. Open Terminal
    b. Enter the following command:xattr -r -c (drag the app here to get the full path)
    c. Press Enter to remove all extended attributes from the app
    After completing these three steps, the app should run successfully.